Depending on the type of application you are developing, and the type of exposure you are anticipating, the need for a mobile application may or not be an ideal choice
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Whether Building Mobile Applications are a Necessity in 2021
Depending on the type of application you are developing, and the type of exposure you are anticipating, the need for a mobile application may or not be an ideal choice
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It’s Official..1Journo is online!RichyRiches
It is with an assortment of mixed feelings, that I am happy to start what will be first post in my new home, 1Journo. Without getting into too long of an explanation of the name ( to which I will reserve for future posts down the road.) 1Journo a free voice dedicated to providing articles, info, resources, tools, tips, podcasts, videos, and editorials on an assortment of various subject matter important (or at worse case of interest) to me and the 1Journo‘s amazing audience. I’m also happy to announce the following syndication of Richy Riches and 1Journo‘s posts by the...